Fundraising & Personal Financing

It is scary to be faced with a huge medical bill for your pet. Here are some ways to ease that burden that you can do yourself.

Talk to your veterinarian

Vets will sometimes offer you a discount if you can prove you qualify for low-income assistance. Also, they may know of any local charities that offer financial support to people who can’t afford vet care. Or, they may have a new vet-in-training on staff who can do a procedure for a much lower cost. You never know unless you ask!

Get a Second Opinion
A veterinarian, just like a human doctor, can’t possibly know everything about everything. It never hurts to get a second opinion to find out if there are alternate or less expensive treatments available for your pet.

Shop around: Look for a less expensive vet or clinic
There is not a standardized fee schedule for vets so it never hurts to call other veterinary hospitals to ask how much they charge for the treatment your pet needs. Explain in advance what your budget is, and see if they can offer treatment within that budget. You can also see if there is a Veterinary College near you as they may offer discounted care.

Apply for CareCredit
There is a special kind of credit card that is exclusively for vet costs, called CareCredit. Care Credit won’t pay for your pet’s medical expenses, but you can apply for a line of credit through them to cover vet bills. This line of credit is interest-free as long as you pay it off within a certain amount of time. It’s important to find out if your vet accepts CareCredit. If your vet doesn’t take CareCredit, you can search for vets that do on the CareCredit website.

Have you thought about doing a fundraiser? This is how animal rescues pay their vet bills, so why can’t you as an individual pet owner try this too?! This can be especially helpful if need funds to pay off vet expenses you put on your credit card or CareCredit, or to raise money for an upcoming pet surgery. Remember: Everyone has difficult times, and many people have received help in their time of need and are now wanting to pay it forward when they can.

Here are some fundraising ideas:

  • Have a yard sale. Let shoppers know that the proceeds will go toward the medical care of your dog.
  • Offer your services or skills to friends, coworkers & neighbors in return for a donation.
  • Use social media. For example, you can set up an online fundraiser on Facebook. Or, make a heartfelt post on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. explaining what kind of medical treatment our dog needs (don’t forget to add adorable photos of your dog)!

Crowdfunding using online platforms

Another great way to fundraise is to use online platforms. One popular one you probably have heard of is GoFundMe.

There are also some pet-focused platforms* you can fundraise on including:




Companion Bridge

*NOTE: These sites are listed as an informational resource. We cannot guarantee that any of the organizations listed will be able to help in your specific situation. Listing does not imply endorsement by us.